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Melody Bear's Easter Egg Hunt!

Melody Bear has had a wonderful end to the term taking the children on an Easter Egg Hunt!


We took the Fun Bus to the farm where we met Bunny Bear. He didn’t have the eggs but he did tell us to go tip toeing through the tulips to find the next clue. The next clue told us that Butterfly Bear might be able to help. After flying like butterflies with scarves for wings we found Butterfly Bear, she didn’t have any eggs but she did tell us to find Bunny Bear.

We jumped, waved our bunny ears and wiggled our bunny tails and finally we found Bunny Bear. Unfortunately he didn’t know where the eggs were either, but told us to find Rainbow Bear.

So off we travelled with our ribbons, we went all the way to the end of the rainbow where we found Rainbow Bear…. and the Easter Eggs!!!

We were all very tired by the end so it was nice to rock the teddy bears to sleep and have a little sleep ourselves!

Melody hopes that the children enjoyed the hunt just as much as she did and she hopes they liked the chocolates! She also hopes they liked her special Easter stickers and Easter Bonnet craft sets.

Happy Easter everybody from Clare and Melody Bear!

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