Bring a Friend to Dance and Fun Bun Week!!
Christmas is on the way so here at Little Bear Feet in Bucks we are getting into the Christmas spirit with Fun Bun Week. It also seems like the perfect opportunity to spread the fun and festive cheer to all your friends!

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Don’t forget that as it is also Fun Bun Week you can decorate your hair buns to make them look all Christmassy! Alongside are some ideas to get those creative juices flowing, you just need to adapt them for the Christmas theme. Those with short hair needn't feel left out you can still decorate your hair and as you can see even the boys can join in if they want to!
There will be lots of treats for everyone taking part in Fun Bun Week!
Myself and Melody Bear are really looking forward to seeing everyone’s creations and to welcoming lots of your friends to Little Bear Feet in Bucks! If you would like to invite some friends along then please contact Miss Clare for some invitations. Then just add the details of the class/classes you are inviting them to. If you can also drop me a short email/text message to let me know the name/s of who will be coming along and their contact details (email/telephone number).
The best news is…. If your friend signs up and pays for next term before Monday 19 December you will receive 20% off your fees for that class!
Dancing is great fun, but its even better when you share it with a friend!